You Ru Maru

You Ru Maru

IJU FLOWER VORTEX ~infinite harmony~

Through the deep green overgrowth
Trees dance in pursuit of the light

Softly swaying my eardrums from here and there
Whispers of birds and the hums of insects

Stepping on the footsteps of the earth
Listening to the rhythm of the earth

With the wind
White flowers soaring in layers and rows

Welcome to the place
This is where the power of life comes from, Yanbaru


You Ru Maru


An art unit consisting of Suguru Funaki and Rie Sumi. He expresses the connection and integration of different fields through various methods based on the concept of "yui" (connection), "nagare" (flow), and "meguru" (circle). Through incorporating Japanese traditions and techniques, he creates artworks and products that serve as meditation devices that evoke a feeling of relaxing the mind and body. At the international interior and design exhibition “MAISON & OBJET” held in Paris in January 2023, the lighting “Origami Lamp Onion” using Tosa washi paper was selected as “WHAT’S NEW?” selected by trendsetters.

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